
“Nosso Instituto’s main focus is the sexual and reproductive rights of the individual.”
Project Co-ordinator: Ana Beatriz Alencar
Location: Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
- Training course for 11 health professionals
- Gynaecological consultation, advice and support
- Insertion of subnormal implants
Description of Project
In Portuguese, NOSSO INSTITUTO means OUR INSTITUTE. An institute that belongs to whom it refers to. A space of welcome, respect and access, a place for hope of a future with more opportunities for all. A space of inclusion, exchange and transformation.
Nosso Instituto believes that integrated actions within public environments – schools, hospitals, health centres – can collaborate with building a care network that contemplates the health of individuals and of society in its universal concept.
There are three main initiatives involved in Nosso Instituto’s projects:
1- Education – lectures to educate about contraception, sexually transmitted infections, situations of violence, consent, responsible exercise of sexuality.
2- health interventions – Consultations with health professionals where the contraceptive method is discussed and insertions of IUDs and implants are offered. There are Whastapp support groups for follow ups and questions
3- Training of health professionals – We train and certify health professionals for the management and insertion of LARCs – IUD and Implanon NXT. These professionals work daily in the Public Health Service are able then able to perform the insertions with Nosso Instituto and via SUS (the Brazilian health service)
La Vida has sponsored one training course for 11 health professionals focused on handling and insertion of Implanon NXT, 22 gynecological appointments for insertion of the subdermal implants, and monitoring of activities to evaluate the method for 6 months.