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Projects in Bolivia

La Vida has been supporting projects in Bolivia since 2011

Bolivia has suffered for decades with armed conflicts fuelled by the lucrative drug trade. Many thousands have been killed and millions have abandoned their homes in search of safety and ended up living in poverty, in unsafe shanty towns on the outskirts of the cities.

Fundesoc- Environmental Education Task Force

A pilot programme to raise awareness of the importance of environmental issues and improve waste management within schools
La Vida - Helping Hands Ramiro's graduation

Helping Hands

Helping hands is a true dream for all the young people so they can finish their studies.


The centre offers free treatment for children from low income families who have suffered burns in the family home.
La Vida - HHHugo


With the support of Helping Hands Bolivia, Hugo has been studying automotive engineering at  university. He also works in an auto shop where he puts into practice what he learns on his course. Hugo is also a keen football player and plays in a league at University.

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